Saturday, April 27, 2013

Living Gluten Free

     I recently found out that I have an allergy to gluten. Gluten is something found in wheat. Wheat is in everything. Everything. Bread, pasta, crackers, vinegar, and almost all deserts. Everything with wheat has gluten. I can't eat anything anymore. This sucks.
     All my life I've had to take tests and get bloodwork and have surgeries and try weird diets because I have chronic stomach aches, weird eating habits, and I gain weight really fast if I don't exercise twenty three hours a day. I've always been uncomfortable, since I spent my entire life getting sick every five minutes. But I finally have the solution! No more eating anything delicious in life.
     It's been barely a week and already I've spent hours just checking labels looking for that wonderful box with the G in it, telling me it's gluten free. I've gone through my entire pantry to separate out the food free of gluten, adding it to my own section of the pantry. Sadly, that section consists of peanut butter, weird soy crackers, and rice. Lots of rice. I have a feeling rice is going to become a main part of my diet. It's like the only thing that can be a full meal and isn't made with wheat. Thai noodles are made with rice, and I've already been through various Thai cookbooks looking for good recipes. Of course they all have soy sauce in them, which I can't have.
     I've officially become the stereotypical fragile kid with the overprotective parents and the bossy personality. I'm allergic to gluten, I have exercise induced athsma, and I'm dyslexic. I'm just a mash up of disorders crammed into one person. So am I unique? Or am I screwed up?
     I'd like to say I'm different. In a good way, maybe. I mean, how many people can list several different things wrong with them? That's like a talent almost! Maybe I could go for a Guinness World Record for most things wrong with one person. That would be a fantastic life goal.

Until next time,


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